
Showing posts from September, 2022

Mountain Rose Herbs Blog Herbalism

The basil was at its licorice best today and the purple basil was especially pungent. The earwigs enjoyed it more than any other herb in the garden. Then the soap mixture I sprayed it with caused the sun to fry the leaves that were not eaten. However, my thyme plants are very happy and the scent is strong even in the heat of the day which makes my nose sing. It gets spindly this time of year, but the leaves are plentiful and the flavor is finally reaching its apex. I chew on a branch of it to keep me from being thirsty. Combine all the items in a jar and use 1 to 2 teaspoons for 1 cup of hot water. There are lots of ways to enjoy the goodness of plants, but for accessibility and simplicity, it’s hard to beat a good cup of tea. I especially enjoy it when it the tea contains herbs I grew, foraged, or blended myself. With a handful of herbs, many of which can be found in your kitchen cabinets or garden, and a few basic techniques, you can brew up healing teas for everyday ailments. C...